30. From Local Hydration Motifs in Aqueous Acetic Acid Solutions to Macroscopic Mixing Thermodynamics: A Quantitative Connection from THz-Calorimetry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (42), 9204-9210.
29. Hydrogen bond structure and associated dynamics in micro-heterogeneous and in phase separated alcohol-water binary mixtures: A THz spectroscopic investigation, Journal of Molecular Liquids 382, 121998.
28. Impact of hydrophobicity on local solvation structures and its connection with the global solubilization thermodynamics of amphiphilic molecules, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (40), 27161-27169
27. Local solvation structures govern the mixing thermodynamics of glycerol–water solutions, Chemical Science 14 (26), 7381-7392.
26. Caught in the act: real-time observation of the solvent response that promotes excited-state proton transfer in pyranine, Chemical science 14 (15), 4048-4058.
25. A subtle interplay between hydrophilic and hydrophobic hydration governs butanol (de) mixing in water, Chemical Physics Letters 807, 140080.
24. Caught in the act: Observation of the solvent response triggered by excited-state proton transfer in real time, Chemrxiv.
23. Correlating solvation with conformational pathways of proteins in alcohol–water mixtures: a THz spectroscopic insight, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (32), 17536-17544
22. Caught in the act: Excited-state Proton Transfer to the solvent followed in real time by non-linear THz spectroscopy, 2020 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)
21. Nonlinear terahertz transmission by liquid water at 1 THz, Applied Sciences 10 (15), 5290
20. Connection of large amplitude angular jump motions with temporal heterogeneity in aqueous solutions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 9339-9348.
31. Bridging the Gap in Cryopreservation Mechanism: Unraveling the Interplay between Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics in Cryoprotectant Aqueous Solutions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2024, 128, 15, 3720–3731.
18. Contrasting hydration dynamics in DME and DMSO aqueous solutions: A combined optical pump-probe and GHz-THz dielectric relaxation investigation, Journal of Molecular Liquids 290, 111194.
17. Collective Hydration Dynamics in Binary Mixtures: A THz Time Domain Spectroscopic Study
15. Cover Art: Effect of Phospholipid Headgroup Charge on the Structure and Dynamics of Water at the Membrane Interface: A Terahertz Spectroscopic Study
14. Heterogeneous structure and solvation dynamics of DME/water binary mixtures: A combined spectroscopic and simulation investigation, Chemical Physics Letters 700, 50-56.
13. Effect of phospholipid headgroup charge on the structure and dynamics of water at the membrane interface: a terahertz spectroscopic study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (19), 5066-5074.
12. Investigation On The Structure And Dynamics Of Water Molecules Around Electrolytes And Biologically Important Molecules (Thesis).
10. Back Cover: Nonmonotonic Hydration Behavior of Bovine Serum Albumin in Alcohol/Water Binary Mixtures: A Terahertz Spectroscopic Investigation (ChemPhysChem 7/2017), ChemPhysChem 18 (7), 864-864.
9. Nonmonotonic hydration behavior of bovine serum albumin in alcohol/water binary mixtures: a terahertz spectroscopic investigation, ChemPhysChem 18 (7), 749-754.
8. Collective hydration dynamics in some amino acid solutions: A combined GHz-THz spectroscopic study, The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (12).
6. The effect of monovalent cations on the collective dynamics of water and on a model protein, Journal of Molecular Liquids 215, 197-203.
5. The Effect of Short Chain Polyethyleneglycols on the Hydration Structure and Dynamics around Human Serum Albumin, Langmuir 32 (3), 831–837.
3. Does Urea Alter the Collective Hydrogen‐Bond Dynamics in Water? A Dielectric Relaxation Study in the Terahertz‐Frequency Region, Chemistry–An Asian Journal 9 (12), 3457-3463.
2. Short Chain Polyethylene Glycols Unusually Assist Thermal Unfolding of Human Serum Albumin., Biochimie 104 (September), 81-89.
1. Collective hydration dynamics of guanidinium chloride solutions and its possible role in protein denaturation: a terahertz spectroscopic study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (42), 23308-23315.