Welcome to Molecular Biophysics Lab
Our group investigates the structure, dynamics, and self-organization of biomolecules with special attention to the solvation and hydration phenomena. Our work lies at the interface between Physics, Physical Chemistry, and Molecular Biophysics. We develop and use a combination of tools based on spectroscopy, spectroscopic models, and computer simulations to understand interdisciplinary problems.
Two Ph.D. positions are available.
Qualification needed: MSc in Physics or Chemistry.
Please contact Dr. Debasish Das Mahanta (dmahanta@gitam.edu).

Position Available - Research Intern
Master's degree in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Biology).
Monthly fellowship of 15000 INR for the first six months.
No tuition fees need to be paid during the entire internship period.
After six months, upon successfully clearing the GITAM Ph.D. entrance test or any national-level examination like NET, GATE, etc, the intern will be promoted to the regular PhD scholar in GITAM University, Bengaluru campus.
The stipend of a Ph.D. scholar will be 25000 INR per month (plus HRA).
Exceptional candidates will get the prestigious MURTI fellowship worth 40000 INR per month (plus HRA).
Send your CV to dmahanta@gitam.edu.
Selected as a MURTI Faculty Fellow
We are pleased to know that Dr. Debasish Das Mahanta has been selected as The Multidisciplinary Unit of Research on Translational Initiatives (MURTI) Faculty Fellow. This is a prestigious recognition at GITAM University.

Organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), Bangalore, India, from 3-5 April 2024.

Aarambh 2024
We have presented our results in Aarambh 2024, organized by GITAM University, Bengaluru Campus, India.
Winner - Staff Badminton Tournament
Dr. Debasish Das Mahanta won the staff badminton tournament - 2024, organized by GITAM University, Bengaluru.

Chemical Science, 2023
Local solvation structures govern the mixing thermodynamics of cryopreservation aqueous solutions.
DOI: 10.1039/D3SC00517H
Dr. Debasish Das Mahanta presented his research work in the Friday GSS Faculty Seminar at GITAM University.